Further views will be added. So check the link periodically for new updates
The following images were taken with a Celestron Travel Scope 70 Refractor
mounted onto a Celestron NexStar 127 SLT Mak Telescope.
The cameras used were a
1.3MP CMOS Telescope Digital Eyepiece USB Port & Image Sensor for Telescope-1280x1024
and a
Celestron Neximage 5MP Solar System Imager
Partial View Of The Moon
The above picture shows
a Partial View Of The Moon using the Travel Scope
showing the main Mare (Seas) and craters which will
be examined in detail below.
Note that the Moon naturally tilts with time,as indicated by the
position of Mare Crisium. In some pictures it is in the
top half of the image, and in others it is in the bottom half.
View Of Mare Crisium (Sea Of Crises)
The above picture shows
a View Of Mare Crisium using the MAK Scope.
In this image, due to the natural tilting of the Moon,
Mare Crisium is in the bottom half of the Moon.
It's position on the Moon is indicated on the picture above which
also also shows the crater Proclus, number 9.
Ptolemaeus And Alphonsus Craters
The above picture shows
the image (right) of the moon using the Travel Scope
showing Ptolemaeus And Alphonsus Craters marked with a red cross.
the magnified image (left) using the MAK Scope
showing Ptolemaeus And Alphonsus Craters marked with a red cross.
Eratosthenes Crater
The above picture shows
the image (right) of the moon using the Travel Scope
showing the Eratosthenes Crater marked with a red cross.
the magnified image (left) using the MAK Scope
showing the Eratosthenes Crater marked with a red cross.
Archimedes Crater
The above picture shows
the image (right) of the moon using the Travel Scope
showing the Archimedes Crater marked with a red cross.
the magnified image (left) using the MAK Scope
showing the Archimedes Crater marked with a red cross.
Shift Left- Area Around Mare Imbrium
The above picture shows
the image (background) of the moon using the Travel Scope
showing the annotated Area Around Mare Imbrium.
the associated magnified images (foreground) using the MAK Scope
showing the annotated Areas Around Mare Imbrium.
Area (1) Around Mare Imbrium In Detail-Sinus Iridium
The above picture shows
the image Area (1) Around Mare Imbrium-Sinus Iridium In Detail
using the MAK Scope.
Area (2) Around Mare Imbrium-Crater Plato
The above picture shows
the image Area (2) Around Mare Imbrium-Crater Plato In Detail
using the MAK Scope.
Area Around Mare Imbrium-Craters Copernicus And Eratosthenes
The above picture shows
the image Area (3) Around Mare Imbrium-Craters Copernicus And Eratosthenes In Detail
using the MAK Scope.